lundi 15 mars 2010


Goodbye little pain
Goodbye sweet sadness
I will forget your smile
I will erase your memories

Goodbye sweet dreams
Goodbye ghosts of past
It's time for me to move
It's the time to dream again

Goodbye and i hope you will be fine soon
Goodbye sweet remaining memory
It's time for me to move
It's time for me to fly away

Goodbye i want to see the sunrise
I want hope sparkle in my eyes
I want to be a spread-wings bird
I want stars twinkle in my world

Goodbye i have to save my beloved flower
I have to absolve my soul from pain
Goodbye and i hope you will be fine soon

1 commentaire:

  1. I was reading this poem several times and every time, the tender smell of your spirit makes me flying in the blue sky! Keep your poetry coming ;-)
